Monday 6 October 2008

Catching Up

It has been a really long time since I blogged! Busy life, but also the fact that I usually blog at night and lately, I've just wanted to go to bed. So this'll be an epic blog.

Institute started on Thursday, I'm taking the New Testament class, which looks to be interesting, although I'll be leaving before we hardly even get started. On Friday I explored an area of London after sleeping late. I have to write a paper for my History of London class comparing an old text describing London in the Tudor period and what I can see today. It's an interesting assignment and I enjoyed exploring around, but I don't know how I'm going to write 3-5 pages about it. We'll see. That night I went to my first ever church dance. It was pretty fun, dancing and stuff. I met some new people, which is always nice. It took a lot of courage for me to go, not my normal kind of thing, but I'm glad I did it.

Saturday was the rebroadcast of the General Relief Society meeting, but I realized that I would spend more time in transit than I would at the actual church building, so I just watched on my computer from my couch. After that I went for a really long walk; I got lost in Regent's Park and ended up on the top of a very high hill that I didn't even know was there. I saw two Leonbergers and they were just beautiful. Two hours later I finally get home, but it was quite lovely briskly wandering nowhere. Sunday was General Conference, but I didn't get to go watch it because we had a field trip for Globo. In retrospect, I probably would go to Conference next time, because the field trip was a football game that was a ways out of central London, but it was still fun. I can always watch Conference online anyway - I'm so glad. Today we went to another play, another absurdist piece that in my opinion didn't have a point. At least is wasn't as offensive and corrosive as the last one.

Classes have been going well lately - I feel very engaged in Shakespeare (I LOVE Hamlet) and I made a couple of what I thought were valid points in Globo. It's so weird that we have less than 3 weeks of classes left. Where is the semester going?

I've yet to finish reading Hamlet - I've been savoring it like I do Jane Austen, not reading it too fast.

Sleep well!

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