Sunday, 26 October 2008

Finals Week and the Arrival of Mom

I'm going to stop apologizing when it takes me forever to post. Just a fact of life we must accept. Last week was the last week of classes for phase 1 of my program. Now I'm at the beginning of a week off and then I'll start and internship for the last 6 weeks. I can't believe we're already this far through the semester! Unreal.

Last week was kind of crazy. I had a globo essay due on Friday, and I tried to get started on it early, but the week was instead a rather stunning example of my procrastination skills including several sudoku and an hour and a half long IM chat with Ben. Needless to say I didn't get to the paper until Thursday night, when I stayed up until 4 to get it done. Don't worry, I slept in the next day. I think the paper actually turned out rather well, but we'll have to see what someone who actually knows politics thinks about it :). Thursday during the day was also the inclass essay tests for my other two classes, so it was a really busy day. My lexicon was a quivering mass by the end of the night.

Now mom's here and it's just great. She got in yesterday and we explored around Covent Garden (which is a big market that is in fact largely devoid of plants) and around the West End theatre district. Today we went back to the West End to buy tickets for the Lion King (yay!) and then went to the Pakistani restaurant for lunch. It was totally delicious again and I'm really glad I got to take mom because I knew she'd like it. After lunch we went up to Camden Market, which was a huge mass of crowded stalls, but pretty fun. I got a cool hoodie that I'm excited about. We've come home just exhausted both nights and we really just chill all evening. Last night we went to a risotto restaurant that was absolutely delicious, but tonight I just cooked for us at home. I'm so glad she's here! Tomorrow we head off to Wales for another grand adventure.

Hope all is well in the States. Just over a week until the elections and Obama's up and climbing. Come on America!

Sleep Tight!

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