Monday, 3 November 2008

A Wales of a Tale

Me and my puns. Forgive me.

Hello People! Welcome to part one of me catching up on my blog. Tonight you will be treated to the Wales adventure, followed by the report of my internship that I know you are all dying for in the next couple days.

Mom arrived safely last Saturday. It was so exciting to go to the airport and pick her up - I had been so focused on the end of classes, both my sadness that they were over and my stressing over finals, that I kind of forgot to be excited so it all came at once right around Friday. We stopped off at the flat and then wandered down to the Charing Cross area and Covent Gardens. We discovered that that was one of the places we had gone when we were here four years ago. We went to the toffee place and got treats for others, but sadly, those didn't make it very loud (we ate them). We ate dinner at a risotto restaurant on my way to school that has always intrigued me. We had shared two different kinds; one of them was butternut squash with sage and it was one of the most delicious things I have tasted. I am definitely going to have to go back there.

Sunday was full of more brisk wandering - no church, sorry. First we went back to the West End to buy tickets to the Lion King for the next Saturday. It rained torrentially. Foreshadowing? For lunch we went back to the Pakistani restaurant where we ate for my globo class; I had wanted to take mom there and I'm so glad I did, even if it involved a little nervous adventuring. I love London because you can get on the tube and get off in what seems like another world. In a matter of minutes we left the theatre district of the West End and stepped out next to a mosque where we could hear chanted prayers. Totally cool. The food was of course to die for once again. After that end of the world, we went to Camden Market, which let me tell you is even more alien than the last neighborhood. I never would have thought that I would walk down a street and look into shops with rows of two foot neon bongs. Totally bizzare. I did buy a cool hoodie though, that is in no way related to bongs.

Monday morning we left for Wales. We got into Chester, the first leg of our journey, around lunch time. We decided to check out the town a bit, but the weather was cruddy and it made us rather grumpy. Luckily, it improved sufficient for us to enjoy a walk on the town walls and some pasties. The next train was the one to Conwy, where we were staying for three nights. Unfortuantely, the stop for Conwy was "request only," so we had to alert the conductor that we wanted to get off there. One glich in the system was, however, that WE COULD NOT FIND THE CONDUCTOR. Mom literally went up and down the whole train more than once and he was hiding, I swear. He turned up just in time for us to get off though, but at that point we were both exhausted from the stress of a day of traveling. That, coupled with the premature darkness brought on by daylight savings last Saturday night, made us rather lethargic once we reached the hostel tired and soggy. We had planned to go back into town for dinner, but we ended up staying in, eating at the hostel, and going to bed at 9:00. Disgusting, but delicious.

Ok, I know I made bold promises, but I'm tired and I'm going to bed. I am so stressed about the election. I'm not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow, but it will probably involve me being up at 3 in the morning. I just found out that Obama's grandmother died. How sad, and oddly timely. She believes we have it in the bag -COME ON THE REST OF AMERICA. THIS IS THE MOST INTENSE LARGE SCALE THING I'VE EVER EXPERIENCED. LOOK AT THIS, I NEVER WRITE IN ALL CAPS BUT I'M SO STRESSED/SCARED/HYPER/ELATED/NERVOUS/HOPEFUL/EVERTHING ELSE THAT THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO EXPRESS THE YELLING IN MY BRAIN.

Ok, I've calmed down a bit now. Go Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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