Wednesday 3 September 2008

Another Day, Another Pound

Only one more day of classes this week. I love not having classes on friday. Poli Sci was my only class today. I struggle with that class because I find the reading fascinating, but when I have to say something it just sounds stupid. Could I please just sit in class and listen to the people who know what they're talking about? I didn't have homework for tomorrow, so I spent a large part of this evening in the park north of our flat. After class I read Timon of Athens there for about an hour, and after dinner I walked around for a while. It's nice to escape so much city for a while and walk around in actual trees. I sware, half of London jogs and they all do it in Regent's Park. Also, all of the males between 15 and 30 are there playing some sort of sport. I managed to only get hit by one football :).

Tomorrow we visit the Globe again, this time for Timon. The play itself is rather lame, very simplistic and boring, but we'll have to see what it's like performed. We're going to be groundlings; whoo hoo for standing for hours. And then the weekend. I want to visit Parliament before it gets back in session and maybe Hampden Court, although it's rather expensive. Do I really want to pay $25 to see a palace? I'm not sure.

Goodnight all, I hope you had a lovely Wednesday.

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