Monday 15 September 2008

Donkey on the Edge

Church like normal yesterday. There are a couple of girls there who are also from MN who I got to know my first week (it was their first week too). They seem really nice and I'm glad I have someone to talk to and hang out with at church; it's not just me sitting by myself and reading my scriptures. I was a little hesitant about church my first week, not wanting to get super involved and commit a bunch of my time, but I think it's going to be a really good thing.

Globo today - I did all the reading but I had nothing to say in class. I've probably said this before, but I wish I could just sit and listen in that class and not actually be expected to add anything intelligent to the discussion. We're reading this book right now that is absolutely awful. The author's prose style is just abysmal and he's always tossing out these convoluted phrases without ever explaining what they mean. Tonight we went to Twelfth Night and frankly, I thought it was stupid. I liked Viola, and Sir Toby, but the rest of the actors were way too much and the production kept going off on these weird tangents that totally detracted from the continuity and flow of the story. That, and an infuriating tag along made the evening rather taxing, but back at the flat we were all giggly and silly, so I'm feeling good now. More busy week ahead - two more plays, an interview for my internship, and then off to Bath with Molly for the weekend. Tons of fun!

Busily yours,

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