Monday, 8 September 2008

The Thinks I Think

Nothing particularly of interest today, class and homework. I went up to Regents Park for a little while this evening to continue to plough through Twelfth Night and it was really nice to just be around green and away from the noise and smell of the city. Don't get me wrong, I leave my window open at night because I love the sounds of the street, but it is also quite lovely to get away from that.

It is amazing how much I walk here. No day includes less that about an hour of walking; last Thursday I think I figured that between a walk for History of London, standing through Timon, and talking on the phone with Ben, I was on my feet for almost 7 hours. Goodbye lethargic life of summer!

The lights in our living room are too dim. It's kind of like the bedrooms at the cabin (for those who know). There are a few wall sconces and a couple table lamps, but all told, not enough. I'm going to need to find a library or somewhere like that to study so that I can actually concentrate and not be distracted by my oh so fascinating flatmates and the internet.

I have a paper that I should have been writing tonight. I know what I want to write it on (Apemantus from Timon) but I have no idea what an interesting thesis on that subject would be. Hopefully I'll figure it out by tomorrow evening because I want to have a draft by Wednesday so that I can embark on my masochistic practice of taking everything I write to my prof. Good luck to me.

Welcome to the things I think about when there's nothing else to think about!

My love to everyone at home. You have no idea how little things remind me of all of you. I hope all is well.


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